Katherine Kroll



Katherine Kroll

Anti-Violence Alliance

Campaign Design


The Anti-Violence Alliance is an organization on the Ferris State University campus that’s focused on making campus a safer place for everyone by raising awareness about interpersonal violence.

I worked in a team with three of my classmates to design two new brand extensions for the Don’t Skip Consent and Recognize & Respond campaigns.

Don't Skip Consent

The “Don’t Skip Consent” Campaign is intended to teach about the main aspects of consent and how to keep the conversation of consent casual.

Utilizing the existing branding, we brought in bright colors and a feel of pop-culture through music. The purpose is to show how music, which is so prominent in our daily lives, has a lot of discussions about consent within it.

connecting with the audience

Social media posts utilize the swipe feature on Instagram to show both the definition and corresponding song lyrics for each message within FRIES.

Social media posts utilize the swipe feature on Instagram to show both the definition and corresponding song lyrics for each message within FRIES.

Buttons that mimic records.

Stickers with Spotify scan codes that lead to songs with good examples of consent.

tabling display

We created a backdrop display composing of CDs and faux records that hung on fishing line. Each record piece has one of the five key messages of the campaign on the back, and the campaign name on the front.

Recognize and Respond

This campaign helps students on campus learn how to recognize potentially harmful situations and comments related to dating and domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking as well as how to respond safely, appropriately, and effectively.

We used an illustrative approach with vibrant colors that would grab an audience’s attention quickly. The illustrations provide a more humanistic feel to the campaign, and help students see themselves as a prosocial bystander.

interactive tabling display

At events, students can choose a sticky-note based on which type of the 5Ds methods they’ve used in the past, and write down how they used that method in their experience of a harmful situation. This allows the AVA to discover which method is being used most often for them to tailor their educational programs around, as well as provide examples of intervention to other students.

To learn more about the Anti-Violence Alliance visit their website at fsuantiviolence.org